Several months ago I used fast-export to convert most of my old repositories from Mercurial to Git. This morning I finally imported the converted repositories to GitHub and archived them.
The old repositories are as follows:
- broker-cappy
- cuckoo2
- devil-ruby
- easing-js
- easy-cookie
- fam-ruby
- forced-timeout
- freshmeat-ruby
- honeypot-php
- honeypot-ruby
- id3-ruby
- imlib2-ruby
- joggle
- joystick-ruby
- libjiffy
- localfark
- maildrop-log-colorize
- mb-ruby
- persist-js
- ptpgp
- raggle
- reddit-content-filter
- rubilicious
- searchkeys-chrome
- sn9c102-webcam
- speedtest-kml
- syndic8-ruby
- tarstream-php
- techmeme-author-filter
- technorati-ruby
- tilefu
- tunepimp-ruby
- wirble
- xmms-ruby
Here is the repo import script:
set -eu
# space-delimited list of repos
repos='... omitted for brevity ...'
# get base repo dir
# loop through repos
for repo in $repos; do
# print repo name, switch to repo
echo repo: $repo
cd "$base/$repo"
# create repo
gh repo create $repo
# fix origin
# (gh sets the origin to "
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin$repo.git
# push upstream
git push -u origin master
# archive repo
gh repo archive $repo