Joggle 0.1.0 Released: Jabber to Twitter Relay

March 14, 2009

I just released Joggle version 0.1.0. Joggle is a Jabber to Twitter relay; tweets show up as instant messages, and instant messages are posted as tweets.

Setting up Joggle is easy; all you need is Ruby, five minutes, and a spare Jabber account:

# install joggle, create joggle directory
sudo gem install joggle
mkdir ~/.joggle

# create joggle config file 
# (replace and abc123 with your spare jabber 
# account and password, respectively)
echo -e "jabber.user\njabber.pass abc123" > ~/.joggle/joggle.cfg

# run joggle in the background
joggle --daemon --config ~/.joggle/joggle.cfg

Next, add the specified Jabber account (, in the example above) to the buddy list in your Jabber client.

Finally, register your twitter username and password with Joggle by sending an instant message like this: .register TWITTER_USER TWITTER_PASS (replace TWITTER_USER and TWITTER_PASS with your Twitter username and password).

You can also share your Joggle installation with your friends; have them add the Jabber account to their buddy list and send a .register command.

See the README file for detailed installation instructions and a full list of configuration options.


Update: Comments for this site are still broken, but I've cross-posted this release announcement on Reddit, so feel free to post a comment over there.